Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Today we celebrate one of the most important people in our lives and everything she has done for us!

I have to say (and no I am not biased :) ) I have the best mother in the whole wide world! It's funny how growing up over the years, I always said how awful my life was and that I had the meanest mother in the world.  As I get older, I realize how wrong I was. My mother means the world to me. No, we don't always get along, but she's usually right (mom if you're reading this don't laugh!). I have learned so much from her and I see how although she was the meanest mom in the world, it's only because she loves me and wanted the best for me. She was teaching me how to live in the real world. The funniest part is that now I'm married and there are many times that my husband will look at me and say, "You know, you sound just like your mom" :) What a great compliment. 

So mom, thank you for everything you've done for me and continue to do each day! I know that when I'm sick or upset I will always have someone to cry to and when I'm having a great day, there is someone to share that joy with! 

Love you mom!!!! 

And to all you other great mothers out there today, Happy Mother's Day! 


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