Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Steak and Hassellback Potatoes

Sorry folks, it's been awhile since my last post. We've been so busy trying to pack (and seriously failing) to move that I haven't had much time to type up a post! Well here I am again and this time with a new recipe. And by new, I mean it just came out of my oven new. We're in the process of using up all of the random groceries that we have so that we can start fresh in the new house. This has been great to weed out close to expired things.

Tonight's dinner was steak and potatoes, our favorite nights! The steak I prepared last night and let marinade overnight as well as through the day. The marinade was made with: 

Easy Marinade For Flank Steak (Taste of Home)
1 small onion, chopped
1/2 cup dry red wine or reduced-sodium beef broth
2 Tbsp olive oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp brown sugar
1/4 tsp pepper
2 fresh sage leaves thinly sliced, or 3/4 tsp dried sage leaves
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp minced fresh ginger
1 beef flank steak (1 lb)

 I did not use sage or ginger in my marinade. I placed all of the ingredients in a bag with the steak, smooshed it around, and placed in the fridge over night.

Today I made the potatoes. I found the recipe for the potatoes on this website. The potatoes are called Hassellback Potatoes. I had never heard of them but they sounded delicious! 

To make the potatoes I used red potatoes instead of gold or white. I washed them and got rid of all the eyes. My potatoes were getting to the end of their shelf life so as you can see in the pictures, I had to cut a lot off. 

I cut the potatoes length wise into little strips stopping before I hit the cutting board to prevent the potato from falling completely apart. I put the potatoes into a 9x13 pan.

After all of the potatoes were sliced and in the pan, I added garlic. I did not follow the recipe at this point. I just looked at the ingredients and went by my own taste.

I added LOTS of garlic, pepper, salt, and butter and slathered the potatoes with olive oil.

Then the potatoes went into the oven for an hour at 425 degrees. They were supposed to be crispy when they came out but they weren't. :( I think they could have used a few more minutes but we were impatient and hungry! I also think that baking them on a cookie sheet instead of in a baking dish would have made a difference as well. They were still delicious though! 

 Once the potatoes were done, I pulled out my favorite cast iron griddle and cooked up the steak. It smelled so good! Absolutely delicious! My only change to the meat would be to use a dry red wine instead of sweet. I accidentelly grabbed the wrong one at the store. Oops!

 Overall dinner was great, it would be even better with a salad next time! 

Well that's all for today. Hope you enjoyed this post. Happy eating! 


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