Monday, February 20, 2012

She's Ready to Pop!

It's Marvelous Monday and time for another project! 

A few weeks ago I threw a shower for my best friend and her soon to be baby! It was so much fun! I had the whole thing planned out from the moment I found out she was pregnant. Thanks to Pinterest (as usual), I had so many cool ideas for this shower. I ended up with many projects that I can't wait to share. So without further ado.... 

She's Ready to Pop 

Here were the invitations that I made on Photoshop. They went right along with our theme of "She's Ready to Pop!" 

To go with the "Ready to Pop" theme, we had "Pop"corn and Cake "Pops". There were four different types of popcorn. If you'd like to try them, we used these RECIPES. We had four kinds, Cinnamon Bun Popcorn, Blue Party Popcorn (Originally Pink, but she's having a boy), Popcorn Brittle, and Plain Popcorn. The crowd, and my, favorite was the Cinnamon Bun Popcorn. It sounds strange but seriously melts in your mouth! The Blue Party Popcorn was my second favorite! 
The spread. The caramel corn looking popcorn was the Cinnamon Bun Popcorn that everyone loved. You can see the cake pops on sticks placed in plastic cups with rocks left over from my wedding.

We of course had to sample everything! 

 As the guests arrived, we snacked and mingled upstairs with the food. Once most of the guests were there, we moved downstairs to play games and open gifts.

We played two games. The first game was called "Guess the Price". This was a lot of fun for everyone. I had ten different baby items listed on a sheet of paper. Everyone had one minute to guess the price of each item. It was funny to watch as the ladies were amazed at how expensive the items were. Here's the items that I included:

Guess the Price!
Huggies Diapers 72 Count                   Desitin Cream 2 oz
$19.77                                               $3.26 
Huggies Wipes 72 Count                     Baby Orajel .06 oz
$3.99                                                $4.44

Gerber Onesies 4 pack                       Gerber Baby Food 2pk
$7.50                                               $1.59

Johnson’s Baby Lotion 27 oz             Emfamil Powdered formula 23.4 oz
$4.97                                               $25.69

 The next game I like to call the "Poopy Diaper Game". That morning I melted seven different chocolate bars into different diapers. The ladies had to pass the diapers around, sniff them, and guess what type of chocolate was in the diaper. It was fun to watch everyone and even funnier to watch the ladies who got pretty grossed out!

After the games the mommy-to-be got to open all of her gifts. I love seeing all of the cute baby stuff! I got her two main gifts. On Facebook, I asked a bunch of my friends who recently had babies what they absolutely needed during their stay at the hospital and what they wish they would have had. I prepared a "Hospital Survival Kit" filled with things like: a headband, chapstick, comfy socks, snacks and chocolate. The other gift was a diaper basket which I made for her. I had seen all of the traditional diaper cakes and motorcycles but wanted it to be something different and original. I had found a few of these baskets online but each ran at least $70 to $80. Instead mine was way cheaper! This took alot of work but it turned out really great in the end. In one of the next few posts I'll show you how I made it.


The shower was a blast!  Thank you so much to my best friend for letting me throw it for her! And a HUGE thanks to her mother who helped out so much by letting me host it at her house, making the yummy popcorn, and many other things.

Have a great week! 

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