Sunday, February 12, 2012


Hello! Welcome to my blog! 

Before I jump into my blog I'll share a little about myself. My name is Jennifer and I married my wonderful husband Keeton in July 2011. We currently live in a little rental home in a little town surrounded by cornfields in northern Indiana. In the following weeks we will become first time homeowners! Our soon-to-be home is an older home in great condition but in need of some major updates. We are so excited to move and to begin the many projects to make the house our home.  

Keeton is a jack-of-all-trades kind of guy. His main job is teaching math at the nearby school district. In the fall he coaches jr. high football and in the summer jr. high baseball. Right now is baseball season so he is helping with varsity baseball and hopes to take on the freshman team himself. On top of all of this he also takes care of our local cemetery (I have to say, this took awhile to get used to when we met!). When he finally has free time, he spends it with me! 

I am currently a Title 1 teacher at the local elementary school. For those of you that don't know what Title 1 is, it's a reading program for struggling students. I spend my days pulling Kindergarten through fourth graders out of their classes to work on reading and writing skills. This is a transition for me as I would love to be a classroom teacher next year! In the free time that I have when Keeton isn't home, I LOVE to read. It is seriously my favorite thing to do. I also enjoy painting, organizing, and other coming up with fun, creative projects to make our house a home! 

Now that you know a little about me here's a little about my blog. I plan to post my favorite recipes, projects, and tips from our house to yours! I am constantly trying new things in the kitchen and the ones that make the cut may just make it on here! Pinterest has been my inspiration for projects. Unfortunately it is slightly addicting so instead of actually doing projects I tend to just pin them. I plan to change that as soon as we move. And finally, I will pass on any tips that I find helpful as we start a new home, continue to grow in our marriage, as we start a family, and as I someday take on a teaching job. 

Thanks for reading! 

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