Monday, April 30, 2012

Some big changes are happening...

I spent the weekend in bed because I was pretty sure I was dying. Actually it was just a cold that one of my wonderful kiddos gave me but I still thought I was dying! While lying in bed, I decided to look over my blog and see what changes should be made. What I came up with was a HUGE list. Number one on that list, I need to write more posts more often. Agreed? So, over the next few weeks, expect some changes to the layout, the background, and most importantly, the number of things you get to read! :)

I’ve also decided that I’m going to start doing month long projects or themes. Since tomorrow starts a new month, now is the best time to get started. Please be patient with me, I’m still new at this, but I promise I will do my best and am taking suggestions!

Each week I’d like to write at least five times (this is a HUGE increase as I am only writing once every two weeks now!)  At the beginning of each week I will give you a quick overview of what you can look forward to that week, like I’m doing now. At the end of the week, I’ll do a quick check in, and we’ll talk about what our week has accomplished. Each week I will include a recipe, a quick tip, and a project. Some weeks you may even get a bonus!

So, without further ado…

Tomorrow starts May which is so hard to believe. In four weeks, my kiddos will head home for the summer and I will get 2 ½ months to enjoy sunshine and paint fumes! For the next few months, I’d like to talk about organizing. I’m almost OCD when I organize and my techniques might not be for everyone, but I’d love to hear your stories and suggestions and I hope that you can learn something new from mine.

May’s overall project/theme is a home management binder. I made one of these a while back and it’s been helpful around my house. However, I don’t use it hardly as much as I wish I did so this month will hopefully help me out as well.

Over the next four weeks I will talk about what a home management binder is, how to use it, and how to put one together. If you already have one, great! Please share your pictures and suggestions with us! If you don’t have one, this is the most basic part of organizing your life. It’s a small step, but it’s a HUGE help.

I really look forward to starting this project and revamping my own binder.

Thanks for reading,

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