Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lemon Butter Pollock

We've lived in our house a week now. It's been a long stressful week but we absolutely LOVE our new home! I finally got around to making our first meals in the new house almost a week in. The first night was just a simple burger but Friday night was fish. 

The funny thing is, Keeton hates fish! We were shopping at Aldi last weekend and he said "No, I'm not sick, but I'm craving fish". So, we got some. I ended up making it Friday night with lemon butter because he loves lemon pepper anything. I threw some corn and brown rice on the side and made a surprisingly delicious meal. In fact, Keeton ate all the fish and rice that night! 

The rice was simple, I just threw brown rice, half an onion - chopped, and some garlic in my rice cooker. I used half water and half chicken stock. It was really good! 

The corn, just as simple. Frozen corn from someone's garden! 

Now, the main dish.
Lemon Butter Pollock 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 

For the this part, I did not really measure. I'll write the amounts that I used to the best of my ability, but this butter can be changed in so many ways that really it is up to your personal taste. Add more lemon if you like lemon and less if you'd like less. You can add whatever spices you'd like as well. 

Melt 1/2 a cup (1 stick) of butter over medium heat in a small saucepan. Add 2 Tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. pepper, 1 Tbsp. garlic powder (next time I WILL have fresh on hand!), and 1 Tbsp. parsley flakes to butter. Boil mixture for a few minutes. (The recipe said to boil for 10 minutes, but the butter got really brown and nasty so I just boiled it for a minute or two.)

The rest is easy. Pour butter mixture over fish. 
Fish without the butter mixture
Sprinkle 1 Tbsp. garlic pepper over fish. (Again, use as much or as little as you'd like) Bake for 30 minutes until light and flaky.

This fish was so flaky and moist and amazing!

Have a great week ya'll!

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